SEAS Funds for Staff Professional Development

SEAS encourages staff to utilize training sessions and professional developmentconference funds to develop and/orimprove skills used in their daily roles,or to develop a deeper knowledge in new areas of interest to their overall career paths. The FAS and the University have programs/offices/centers in place whichoffer professional development opportunities, research and funding applicationsupport, and teaching support to all faculty.There is a particular emphasis on providingmentoring support to tenure-track faculty.


This practice highlights the importanceof offering continuing professional development opportunities to staff, who may sometimes feel that their professional goalsare neglected relative to those in academicappointments. SEAS takes advantage of and subsidizes courses from the Center for Workforce Development (CWD) for all staff. This policy has value both forsignaling the inherent worth of investing in staff and building capacity for moresatisfying and inclusive work environments.Likewise, supporting training opportunities for tenure-track faculty not onlyhelps them flourish but also signals that the School is invested in them.