Goal 2.1 Academic and Professional Excellence

Initiatives to advance diversity, inclusion, andbelonging should start and end with a focus on the academic and professional flourishing of all members of our campus community,rather than being formulated primarily associal problems. High-quality community-building experiences should, however, berecognized as a necessary support for academicand professional success.

SEAS Funds for Staff Professional Development

SEAS encourages staff to utilize training sessions and professional developmentconference funds to develop and/orimprove skills used in their daily roles,or to develop a deeper knowledge in new areas of interest to their overall career paths. The FAS and the University have programs/offices/centers in place whichoffer professional development opportunities, research and funding applicationsupport, and teaching support to all faculty.There is a particular emphasis on providingmentoring support to tenure-track faculty.


This practice highlights the...

Read more about SEAS Funds for Staff Professional Development